Lexington was originally known as Cambridge Farms and was an extension of Cambridge, MA. It remained attached to Cambridge until it gained independence in 1713. The origins of the name Lexington are debated – some claim it was named after a British nobleman while others claim it was named after a city in the United Kingdom. Lexington was ranked the 6th wealthiest town in the nation, according to a metric that measures the proximity to yacht clubs and private airports – amongst other things. There are roughly 30,000 inhabitants in Lexington, occupying just over 11,000 households.The first shot of the Revolutionary War – the “shot heard ‘round the world” – was fired in Lexington. During the same war, the Battle of Lexington and Concord claimed the town as its battlefield.
Five Fields Neighborhood Tour |
Manor Neighborhood Tour |
- Lexington High School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/lexingtonhs - 781.861.2320
- 251 Waltham Street
- Jonas Clarke Middle School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/clarkems - 781.861.2450
- 17 Stedman Road
- WM Diamond Middle School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/diamondms - 781.861.2460
- 99 Hancock Street
- Bridge Elementary School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/bridgees - 781.861.2510
- 55 Middleby Road
- Fiske Elementary School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/fiskees - 781.541.5001
- 55 Adams Street
- Marie Hastings Elementary School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/hastingses - 781.860.5800
- 7 Crosby Road
- Bowman Elementary School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/bowmanes - 781.861.2500
- 9 Philip Road
- Harrington Elementary School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/harringtones - 781.860.0012
- 328 Lowell Street
- Joseph Estabrook Elementary School:
http://lps.lexingtonma.org/estabrookes - 781.861.2520
- 117 Grove Street
Religious Communities
- First Church of Christ, Scientist:
http://christiansciencelexingtonma.org - First Parish Church:
http://fplex.org - Follen Community Church:
http://follen.org - Grace Chapel:
http://www.grace.org - Hancock United Church of Christ:
http://www.hancockchurch.org - Hindu Community of Lexington:
- Islamic Center of Boston Wayland, MA:
http://www.icbwayland.org - Lexington Interfaith Garden:
http://interfaithgarden.org - Lexington United Methodist Church:
http://www.lexumc.org - Pilgrim Congregational Church UCC:
http://www.pilgrimcongregational.org - Sacred Heart Parish:
- St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox:
http://www.stnicholaslex.org - St. Paul Evangelical Church:
http://www.stpaulevangelical.org - Temple Emunah:
http://templeemunah.org - Temple Isaiah:
http://www.templeisaiah.net - Trinity Covenant Church:
Culture and History
- Cary Memorial Library:
http://www.carymemoriallibraryfoundation.org or http://www.carylibrary.org - Depot Square Gallery:
http://www.depotsquaregallery.com - Lexington Bicentennial Band:
http://www.lexbicband.org - Lexington Players:
http://www.lexingtonplayers.org - Lexington Pop Chorus:
http://www.lexingtonpopchorus.org - Lexington Symphony:
- Lexington Youth Summer Theatre:
http://www.lexingtonyouthsummertheatre.org - The Masters Singers:
http://www.themastersingers.org - Metropolitan Wind Symphony:
http://www.mws-boston.org - Munroe Center for the Arts:
http://www.munroecenter.org - National Heritage Museum:
http://www.nationalheritagemuseum.org - Battle Road Scenic Byway:
- Freedom’s Way National Park:
http://www.freedomsway.org - Lexington Historical Society:
http://www.lexingtonhistory.org - Lexington Minutemen Company:
http://www.lexingtonminutemen.com - Liberty Ride:
http://www.libertyride.us/libertyride.html - Minuteman National Historical Park:
Social Organizations
- Chinese American Association of Lexington:
http://caal-ma.org/ - Indian American Association of Lexington:
http://www.indianamericansoflexington.org/ - Knights of Columbus:
http://www.kofclexington.org - Lexington Food Pantry:
http://www.lexingtonfoodpantry.wordpress.com - Lexington Farmers Market:
- LexFUN!:
http://www.lexfun.org - Lexington Lodge of Elks:
http://www.elks.org/lodges/home.cfm?Lodgenumber=2204 - Lexington Newcomers Club:
http://www.lexington-newcomers.org - Lexington Minutemen:
http://www.lexingtonminutemen.com - Lexington Rotary Club:
- Lions Club of Lexington:
http://lexingtonma.lionwap.org - Rainbow Girls Lexington Assembly:
http://www.lexingtoniorg.org - Scouts of Lexington:
http://www.lexingtonscouts.org - Simon W. Robinson Masonic Lodge:
http://www.simonwrobinson.org - William Diamond Junior Fife and Drum Corp:
News Outlets
- Bostonese:
http://bostonese.com - Colonial Times Magazine:
- Lexington Patch:
http://lexington.patch.com - LexMedia:
- Wicked Local Lexington:
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